At times we find that people around us are cheating us, fooling us or back stabbing us. And most of the times we are tempted to return the favor as and when we get a chance.
Lets try a different path next time though, Be on guard from such people, don’t let them succeed in their motives and harm you but don’t cheat, fool or back stab them. Help them if you can. There’s a verse in Hindi:
“ Jo tako kaanta boye,
tahe boye tu fool,
Tako fool k fool hain,
Wako hai trisul.”
Meaning, if someone sows thorns on your path let him do that. You still sow flowers on his path, you will get flowers as you sowed and he’ll get a Trishul a weapon with three sharp ends on one side.
So you keep your karma good. Remember, As you sow, so shall you reap. Don’t try to harm anyone and God will protect you from any harm. “ Neki kar dariya mein dal”, means do good and forget it or throw it in the sea or river, don’t expect someone to return the favor but still you be good to everyone. Some people might think you are being foolish but let them think what they want. You don’t need a certificate of wisdom from anyone.
Seeing you some people around you will change, seeing them few others might change over a period of time. Thus, the chain would continue. It’ll eventually make world a better place to win.